RO: Va prezentam primele imagini ale conceptului de bucatarie la care lucram in prezent.
EN: These are the first sketches of the kitchen concept we are working right now.
RO: In principiu este vorba despre aceeasi configuratie cu mici diferente cromatice si in ceea ce priveste sistemul de deschidere a usilor si sertarelor. Prima varianta – cea cu alb si rosu, este varianta cea mai simpla, unde am utilizat manere simple. A doua varianta este cea cu alb si oranj, unde manerul este frezat in fronturi, iar a treia varianta este cea cu cafeniu si maron, unde nu se vede niciun maner, deschiderea usilor fiind realizata cu un sistem de tip “push-open”, prin apasarea fronturilor.
EN: Basically, it’s the same configuration with small chromatic differences and with different front opening systems. In the first variant, we have a classic opening system with simple handles. In the second variant the handle is beveled in the front itself and in the third variant, no handle is present because the fronts will open by the “push-open” system when pushing the fronts. The push-open system can be mechanical or electronic.