Design de birou eficient | Vitra – the efficient office design.

RO: Potrivit Vitra, biroul eficient: – Creste productivitatea cu pana la 30% – Optimizeaza motivatia angajatilor, – Reduce absenta pe caz de boala de la 3,2%, la 1,3% – Optimizeaza procesele si caile de comunicare, – Creeaza pana la 20% spatii libere suplimentare – Potenteaza determinant procesul de recrutare – Contureaza constant identitatea companiei EN:

Digital Wallpaper – Idee geniala

Hirzberger Events – Digital Wallpaper from Gregor Hofbauer on Vimeo. EN: To decorate the office space of Büro Hirzberger in Vienna, Strukt realised a digital wallpaper that illuminates the walls. In this self-initated project Strukt was given complete creative freedom by the client, and developed a system to project video and realtime content undistorted onto any surface.