Faptul ca zona de lectura este situata cu aproximativ 30cm mai sus fata de restul camerei, ne convine de minune, fiindca televizorul are cateva unnghiuri de vizionare optime. In pozitia asezat, acesta trebuie sa fie sub nivelul privirii normale cu aproximativ 30º, iar in pozitia culcat, sa fie situat cu pana la 40º deasupra nivelului privirii, aici referindu-ne bineinteles la centrul ecranului. In prima imagine se pot observa niste fotolii mai masive, insa dupa o analiza sumara, am decis sa renuntam la ele in favoarea unora mai suple. Zona de birou este prezenta in dormitor langa geamul mare, iar mobilierul pentru depozitarea de tip biblioteca va fi conceput in zilele ce urmeaza.
EN: In the last period, we finalized the renderings for one of the bedrooms in the house we are working on. Actually, the other bedrooms will not benefit of renderings, as we decided to design them on the move and only rapid sketches will shape their interior. The main characteristic of this bedroom is that the bed lies in the center of the room, and the space is combined with a day area. The base for the bed’s head, serves as a ethical wall, but also as a place to store the clothes which usually would lie besides the bed. The TV console is designed so you can watch TV from every place in the room as it’s base is rotative. The office area is minimal and the bookshelves are to be designed.